吹嘘: lavish praise on oneself or ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...吹嘘的: vaunting自我吹嘘的: self glorifying; selfglorifyingg他吹嘘的那个虚构的: that mythical rich uncle' of whom he boasts吹嘘: (夸大地宣扬) lavish praise on oneself or others; boast; boost up; glibly profess; advertise oneself 自我吹嘘 self-praise; 吹嘘他的富有 make a boast of being spendthrift; 我多么希望他不再吹嘘他的考试成绩。 i wish he would stop crowing about his examination results. 喝了几杯酒后, 他总要吹嘘一番他的战争经历。 after a few drinks, he always became boastful about his wartime activities吹嘘,炫耀: vaunt吹嘘地: vauntingly吹嘘人: boogerman吹嘘者: trumpeter嘘的丢掷: buzz被吹嘘成: to be touted as吹嘘捧场: lavish and sing the praises on others; laud吹嘘日本: bragging about japan大肆吹嘘: advertise feverishly得意, 欢呼, 吹嘘: crow over无需吹嘘: bush 1自夸,夸口,吹嘘: boast自我吹嘘: boost oneself; boast smugly; blow one's own trumpet; brag and boast; self-praise; crack oneself up; self-glorification吹嘘他的富有: make a boast of being spendthrift拼命吹嘘自己: quack oneself to death吹嘘,大摇大摆地走: swagger空洞无物的吹嘘: talk that sounds impressive but is in fact empty and worthless bombast言过其实的吹嘘: puffing