Poor nutrition because of an insufficient or poorly balanced diet or faulty digestion or utilization of foods 营养不良由于食量不足或食物结构不平衡、消化不良或食物吸收不良而引起的营养匮乏
Thereare contra - indications . you should not take orlistat if you are notoverweight or if you cannot absorb food properly , according to the fda Fda介绍了奥利司他的禁忌症,不超重和吸收不良的人禁用该药。
However , bowel injuries resulting in ulcer , fistula , stricture , and malabsorption are potential life - threatening complications , which can impact the quality of life 然而,体外放射治疗胃肠道伤害引起消化道溃疡、瘘管、狭窄及吸收不良等威胁生命的并发症,而且也直接影响病人的生活品质。
Undernutrition can result from inadequate intake ; malabsorption ; abnormal systemic loss of nutrients due to diarrhea , hemorrhage , renal failure , or excessive sweating ; infection ; or addiction to drugs 营养低下可由摄入不足、吸收不良、腹泻、出血、肾衰或过度出汗而至营养素丢失、感染和吸毒等引起。
There are two main types of weight reduction surgery . " malabsorption " surgery reduces the absorptive capacity of alimentary tract with appropriate gastric and small bowel bypass and can achieve great weight reduction 常用的外科减肥手术可分为两类:吸收不良型( malabsorption )以肠胃绕道的方式,减低吸收营养的能力。