听骨: otosteon; ear bones; auditor ...切除: excision; resection; absciss ...术: art; skill; technique伴: companion; partner镫骨: stape; pedistibulum; stirrup ...松动: become less crowded not hard ...听骨切除术伴镫骨切除术: ossiculectomy with stapedectomy听骨重建术伴镫骨切除术: reconstruction of ossicles with stapedectomy砧骨切除术伴镫骨切除术: incudectomy with stapedectomy镫骨松动术: mobilization of stapes; stapediolysis; stapes mobilization听骨切除术伴鼓室成形术: ossiculectomy with tympanoplasty镫骨切除术伴砧骨置换: stapedectomy with incus replacement镫骨切除术: stapedectomy听骨切除术伴鼓室成形修改术: ossiculectomy with tympanoplasty revision下颌骨松动术: mobilization of mandible硬化听骨切除术: otosclerectomy; otoscleronectomy镫骨再松动术: remobilization of stapes颅骨切除术伴肿瘤切除术: craniectomy with excision of tumor镫骨切除: stapedectomy镫骨切除钳: stapedectomy forceps大耳窗镫骨切除术,镫骨底板大开窗术: large fenestra stapedectomy小窗镫骨切除术,镫骨底板小开窗术: small fenestra stapedectomy颅骨切除术伴颅骨病损切除术: craniectomy with excision of bone lesion of skull尺骨切除术: resection of ulna跟骨切除术: ostectomy of calcaneus