含: keep in the mouth格言: maxim; motto; aphorism; an e ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...格言的: aphoristicapophthegmaticapothegmaticapothegmaticalgnomic; gnomic富于格言的: sententious格言的,精辟的: gnomic格言: (含有教育意义的成语) maxim; motto; aphorism; an established maxim 睿智的格言 a sagacious motto; 请把此格言记在心里。 please lay the maxim to your heart. 为人民服务是我的格言。 serving the people is my motto 格言的特点是简短的=夸张法的是夸张的: aphoristic:terse=hyperbolic:exaggerate格言,古训: adage格言,声明: dictum格言;谚语: adage; saying格言集: gnomology格言句: aphoristic sentence格言派: conceptism格言学: moralogy公理;格言: axiom n. statement accepted as true without proof or argument金言,格言。: wise saw警句,格言: epigram伊格言: atom egoyan箴言,格言: precept陈腐的格言: copybook maxims sentiments etcc格言,谚语,绰号: byword格言;行为准则: maxim格言警句: apothegm格言历书: poor richard’s almanac