Another rocket blasts off toward space . 又一枚火箭经点燃后冲向空间。
Such elements are ejected into space during the explosions characteristic of the final stages of a star's active life . 这种元素在恒星活动末期特有的爆炸中被抛向空间。
The gas pressure eventually overcomes the force of solar gravity and the corona inevitably expands into space as the solar wind . 这里的气体压强最终会超过太阳的引力作用,使日冕终于只好以太阳风的形式向空间膨胀。
Automobiles - lateral spacing of foot controls 汽车.脚踏控制器的侧向空间
It is here that is to be found the source of the energy that the sun constantly pours out into space as light and heat 在这里,太阳不停地以光和热的形式向空间倾泻出能量。
向: direction空间: space; enclosure; room; blan ...方向空间: director space面向空间: space-oriented面向空间的: space-oriented有向空间: oriented space正向空间: forward space双向空间网架: two-way space grid纵向空间电荷效应: longitudinal space charge effect向空中: spaceward侧向空隙: side clearance单向空气阀: one-way air valve多方向空袭: many-prong air attack横向空档: athwart void扑向空气: plunge into in air向空当传球: open pass向空放阀: atmospheric relief valve正向空隔: forword ace; forword space指针指向空: nil轴向空隙: axial clearance纵向空穴: longitudinal void把球击向空中: hit the ball skywards击向空中的球,: lofted向空腔内吹气: cavity injection纵向空气运动: longitudinal movement of air