向左: aleft; towards the left; lev ...看: see; look at; watch眨眼: nictation; nictitation; blin ...向左看: look left; lookleft; low bridge ahead向下看眨眼: lookdownblink; lookupblink向右看眨眼: lookrightblink向左看齐: dress left dress; left dress向左看齐!: Dress left,dress!眨眼: nictation; nictitation; blink; very short time; wink; twinkle 一眨眼就不见了 disappear in twinkling; disappear in the twinkling of an eye 向左: aleft; towards the left; levo-; laevo-:向左转(口令) left face!; 向左转走! by the left flank, march视角往左看: camera look left左看右瞧: look at the left and right不眨眼: not bat an eyelid; the whole nine yards一眨眼: eyewink眨眼睛: blink our eyes; wink眨眼率: blink rate眨眼痣: wink nevi颌眨眼: jaw-blinking向左爱: lover's concerto向左的: sinistral向左拐: berbelok kiri; bernard shaw-who wrote many plays-died in; make a left turn向左焊: forehand welding向左键: left arrow; left key向左倾: incline to the left向左舷: aport; to port