向前: forward; onward; ahead传球: pass the ball越: get over; jump over对方: the other side; the other pa ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...球门: goal线: thread; string; wire向前传球球越对方的球门线: touchdowns passing本方的球门线: own goal line带球越过对方球门线: touchdown running; touchdowns running; tr举球越过对方球门线: touchdown running球越过球门线: in touch向前传球: forward pass; forward pivot对方的球: wrong ball横越对方的船首: athwart the bow of a ship向前传球战术: forward pass play单手低手向前传球: bowling pass向前传球的距离: passing只向前传球的队员: pass machine对方球门线附近地区: deep对方球门线后触地得分: to convert a try球门线: goal area; goal lines; goalline传球越位: off-side pass; pass offside超越球门线: adcance beyond the goal-line超跃球门线: advance beyond the goal-line