2 . an unsteady , nonlinear state - space airfoil aerodynamics model was developed with onera dynamic stall model 对于后行桨叶的动态失速行为,引入了对翼型实验数据不敏感,并也具有状态空间形式的onera动态失速模型。
桨叶: awe; paddle后行桨叶失速: retreating blade stall; retreating-blade stall后行桨叶一边: retreating side前行桨叶: advancing blade前行桨叶概念: abc advancing blade concept前行桨叶失速: advancing-blade stall前行桨叶的一边: advancing side前行桨叶升力利用原则: advacing blade concept后行管: descending tube车后行李舱: kofferraum der ..e; kofferraum, der ; ..e敌后行动: behind enemy lines购买后行为: postpurchase behaviour后行列车: trailing train后行偏心杆: backing eccentric rod; backingeccentricrod后行油品: trailing oil product话后行为: perlocutionary act满足后行为: pastconsummatory behavior; postconsummatory behavior前后行桥: fore-and-aft bridge屈曲后行为: post buckling behavior三思而后行: first think before you act; look before you leap; score twice before you cut once; second thoughts are best / think before you do; think twice before doing something; to think before i talk三思后行: look before you leap事后, 事后行为: post factum完成后行为: postconsummatory behavior先列后行: column row后形质体: metaplast后行李箱盖敞开: bootlid open