This paper take the junction panel of the front reinforced beam in the back automobile floor for the example , introduces the drawing die design process , which proves this method simplified the design process , enhanced the rated capacity 本文以汽车后地板前加强梁左右连接板为例介绍了汽车覆盖件拉延模具设计,经过实践应用,证明该方法简化了设计过程,提高了设计效率。
Firstly using the calculated cutting contour to cut the drawing part , then flange on the flanging mould , and then check the error for flanging part . try - out the part until it is correct . it is shown that the error of calculated cutting contour is in the range of 1mm through compared it with the correct contour 本文将实际调试出的合格零件的修边线与采用误差修正法计算所得的修边线进行对比,其误差均在1mm范围内,对于型面极其复杂的翻边零件,如后地板前板,其修边误差也可控制在3mm范围内,这就有效地减少了汽车覆盖件的修边、翻边调试次数和周期。