

发音:   用"后地板"造句
  • rear floor


  1. This paper take the junction panel of the front reinforced beam in the back automobile floor for the example , introduces the drawing die design process , which proves this method simplified the design process , enhanced the rated capacity
  2. Firstly using the calculated cutting contour to cut the drawing part , then flange on the flanging mould , and then check the error for flanging part . try - out the part until it is correct . it is shown that the error of calculated cutting contour is in the range of 1mm through compared it with the correct contour


        :    behind; back; rear
        地板:    floor board floor
        后地板排水:    was.boden,hinten
        后地槽:    back geosyncline
        今后地:    forwards
        落后地:    behindhand; laggingly
        随后地:    subsequently
        往后地:    backwardly
        向后地:    aback; backkward; backwardly
        在后地:    behind; posteriorly
        最后地:    ad finem; conclusively; definitively; finally; last
        地板:    1.(木楼板) floor board2.(室内地面) floor 水泥地板 cement floor; 地板擦光机 electric floor polisher; 地板插座 floor box; floor plug; 地板窗 floor light; 地板打磨器 disk sander; 地板电盒 floor pocket; 地板革 plastic flooring; 地板搁栅 sleeper; 地板机 floor machine; 地板锯 flooring saw; 地板蜡 floor wax; 地板梁 joist; 地板梁托 nailing strip bracket; 地板门 trap-door; 地板磨光机 floor grinder
        不顾前后地:    headfirstheadforemostunadvisedly; unadvisedly
        弧后地区:    back arc area
        落后地区:    backward area; backward region
        玛丽皇后地:    queen mary land
        毛德皇后地:    dronning maud land; queen maud land
        毛德王后地:    queen maud land
        一前一后地:    in tandem
        争先恐后地:    like hot cakes
        滞后地带:    trailing zone
        最后地名:    country of final destination
        最后地下铁:    le dernier metro; the last metro
        最后地形:    final form
        最后地址:    final address


  1. "后底段 后基底段"英文
  2. "后底段segmentum basale posterius{拉}"英文
  3. "后底段支气管"英文
  4. "后底辊"英文
  5. "后底支"英文
  6. "后地板排水"英文
  7. "后地槽"英文
  8. "后蒂尔塞"英文
  9. "后蒂尔山"英文
  10. "后帝乐"英文


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