- post echo
- 后: behind; back; rear
- 回声: echo; bounce back; reverbera ...
- 回声: echo; bounce back; reverberation; resounding 空屋发出回声。 the empty room echoed. 回声消失了。 the echoes died [faded] away. 这个峡谷以回声而闻名。 the canyon is famous for producing echoes.; 回声测距法 echoranging; echo ranging; 回声测深 echo depth sounding; 回声测深仪 sonic depth finder; acoustic depth finder; echo depth sounding sonar; echo sounder; fathometer; 回声定位 echo location; echo ranging; 回声探鱼法 echo ranging; 回声探鱼仪 acoustic sounder; echo sounder; sonic echo sounder; 回声仪 echometer
- 后回波: post echo
- 后回环: three-quarter sole circle back-ward