Ensure that the backend processes of our online services are engineered to optimise efficiency and effectiveness 确保电子服务的后勤业务会作出重整,以提高效率及成本效益
About 70 per cent of such services have already got an e - option currently . " we also ensure that the backend process of our on - line services are engineered to optimise efficiency and effectiveness 此外,我们确保电子服务的后勤业务会作出重整,以提高效率及成本效益。
Mr wong said that the hksar government had strengthened its internal information infrastructure to sustain the various e - government initiatives , and had ensured that the backend processes of the government on - line services were engineered to optimise efficiency and effectiveness 黄志光表示,特区政府已加强政府内部的资讯基建设施,以支援各项电子政府措施,并确保电子服务的后勤业务作出重整,以提高效率及成本效益。