

发音:   用"后勤业务"造句


  1. Ensure that the backend processes of our online services are engineered to optimise efficiency and effectiveness
  2. About 70 per cent of such services have already got an e - option currently . " we also ensure that the backend process of our on - line services are engineered to optimise efficiency and effectiveness
  3. Mr wong said that the hksar government had strengthened its internal information infrastructure to sustain the various e - government initiatives , and had ensured that the backend processes of the government on - line services were engineered to optimise efficiency and effectiveness


        后勤:    rear service; logistics; log ...
        业务:    vocational work; professiona ...
        后勤业务股:    logistics operations unit
        联合后勤业务监管科:    joint logistics operations control section
        外勤业务司:    field operations division; fod
        外勤业务管理股:    field operations management unit
        外勤业务支助处:    operational field support service
        主管外勤业务和外部支助活动事务厅:    assistant secretary-general for field
        地勤业:    ground handling service
        后勤:    rear service; logistics; logistic service in the rear◇后勤保养 logistic maintenance; 后勤保障[勤务] logistic service; 后勤部 rear-service department; logistics department; logistic command; 后勤部队 rear service units; rear services; 后勤处 logistical section; 后勤供应 rear supply; 后勤基地 logistics base; rear supply base; 后勤机场 logisitcal airfield; 后勤建设 building of rear services; 后勤人员 rear service personnel; logistical personnel; 后勤物质 logistic material; 后勤支援 logistic support
        主管外勤业务和外部支助活动助理秘书长:    assistant secretary-general for field operations and external support activities; assistantsecretary-generalforfieldoperationsandexternalsupportactivities
        江阴市勤业:    qinye
        后勤部:    logistics department; rear service department; rear-service/logistics dept
        后勤车:    support vehicle
        后勤处:    logistic affairs department
        后勤的:    logistical
        后勤队:    logistic unit
        后勤股:    logistics unit
        后勤科:    logistics section
        后勤区:    backuarea; communication zone
        后勤司:    fald
        后勤学:    military logistics
        后勤营:    logistic battalion
        后勤区;后勤用地:    backuarea
        业务:    vocational work; professional work; business; service; traffic; transaction 政治与业务 politics and profession; politics and vocational work; 正常业务 normal business; 业务班子 setups in administrative and professional work; 钻研业务 study diligently one's profession


  1. "后勤学"英文
  2. "后勤学, 行军兵站学"英文
  3. "后勤学的"英文
  4. "后勤延迟"英文
  5. "后勤演习"英文
  6. "后勤业务股"英文
  7. "后勤应急机动保障力量"英文
  8. "后勤营"英文
  9. "后勤用地"英文
  10. "后勤与供给管理"英文


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