名士: a person with a literary rep ...殉情: die for love记: remember; bear in mind; comm ...殉情记: a time for us; romeo and juliet; what’s a youth电影 殉情记: romeo &juliet电影“殉情记”: a time for us蒋老五殉情记: jiang laowu and her boyfriend殉情记主题曲: romeo &juliet我俩的时光 《殉情记》主题曲: a time for us殉情: die [commit suicide] for love名士: 1.(旧时指以诗文等著称的人) a person with a literary reputation2.(旧时指名望很高而不做官的人) a celebrity with no official post◇名士派 an unconventional and self-indulgent old-style intellectual〔美俚〕名士。: big name名士表: baume &mercier名士派: unconventional and self indulgent old style intellectual手表;名士: baume et mercier猜情记: chasing amy夺情记: bell book and candle迷情记: obsession; vertigo谜情记: secert of the heart试情记: honey pot the; the honey pot偷情记: stolen love驯情记: best memories in my life忏情记: i confess; the confessional双双殉情: a double suicide for love斗方名士: (指以风雅自命的无聊文人) poetasters; self-styled scholars