However , a synchronous exchange does have a performance impact on the requestor because the requestor must wait for a response 但是,同步交换对请求者会造成性能上的影响,因为请求者必须等待响应。
Ieee standard for mans ( metropolitan area networks ) . formerly known as qpsx ( queued packet and synchronous exchange ) , now known as dqdb ( distributed queue dual bus ) . it was approved in 1990 Ieee关于城域网标准。原来的名称为qpsx (队列分组同步交换) ,现名为dqdb (分布式队列双总线) , 1990年获得批准。
Therefore , if requestor response time and message throughput are important non - functional requirements for the application , then consider asynchronous message exchange instead of synchronous exchange to minimize blocking and delays in the requestor s processing 因此,如果请求者响应时间和消息吞吐量是应用程序重要的非功能性需求,那么应考虑使用异步消息交换来代替同步交换以减少请求者阻塞和等待的时间。