同: "抓"某人: a certain person吵架: quarrel; wrangle; have a row ...和某人吵架: a.keewith b.tangle with与某人吵架: quarrel with sb帮人吵架: take uanother's quarrel; take up another's quarrel跟人吵架: bandy words和某人吵嘴: have words with someone同某人合作: cooperate with sb同某人交往: keterms with sb同某人结交: offer sb. the right hand of fellowship同某人恋爱: walk out with sb同某人闹翻: be out with sb同某人握手: shake sb by the hand同某人友好: keterms with sb同某人争吵: row with sb同某人交往, 同某人友好: keep terms with sb同某人关系好: be on good terms with sb同某人开玩笑: do sth. to make other people laugh at someone同某人有牵连: get entangled with sb.他们不喜欢他他老爱和人吵架: they don't like him同某人地位不相称: be unsuited to sb.'s position同某人对某事一致: concur with in同某人发稍关系: take the sting out of同某人发生小冲突: have a slight unpleasantness with sb