同性: of the same sex婚: wed; marry同性婚姻: category:same-sex marriage; homosexual marriage; united stategay marriage荷兰同性婚姻: same-sex marriage in the netherlands美国同性婚姻: same-sex marriage in the united states中国同性婚姻: recognition of gay unions in china; same-sex marriage in china安大略省同性婚姻: same-sex marriage in ontario澳大利亚同性婚姻: domestic partnership in tasmania; same-sex marriage in australia比利时同性婚姻: same-sex marriage in belgium加拿大同性婚姻: same-sex marriage in canada英哥比省同性婚姻: same-sex marriage in british columbia英属哥伦比亚省同性婚姻: same-sex marriage in british columbia同性: 1.(性别相同) of the same sex 同性子女 children of the same sex2.(性质相同) of the same nature or character 同性的电荷互相排斥。 two like electric charges repel each other.3.[晶体学] isomorphism男性婚外性: male女性婚外性: female强制性婚姻: compulsory marriage等同性: equality; identity property蛤同性: isotropism; isotropy共同性: commonality; communality; intercommunity; relationship类同性: alikeness女同性: lesbian齐同性: homogeneity趋同性: convergence; homoplasy去同性: ex-gay同性的: homo; isosexual; kin