

[ tóngchóu ] 发音:   "同仇"的汉语解释   用"同仇"造句
  • same enmity
  • :    "抓"
  • :    spouse companion a surname
  • 敌忾同仇:    fight against the common enemy; fight with a common hatred for the enemy; treat sb. as a public enemy; wreak vengeance upon the same enemy
  • 同仇敌忾:    have the same enemy and hatred; be bound by a common hatred for enemy; filled with a common hatred; share a bitter hatred of the enemy; (fight) with a common hatred (against ...); with deep hatred for the enemy 同仇敌忾, 共御外侮 share bitter hatred against the enemy and jointly resist foreign aggression
  • 同仇敌忾,共御外侮:    share bitter hatred against the enemy and jointly resist foreign aggression


  1. Backs to the wall . aim high


        :    "抓"
        :    spouse companion a surname
        敌忾同仇:    fight against the common enemy; fight with a common hatred for the enemy; treat sb. as a public enemy; wreak vengeance upon the same enemy
        同仇敌忾:    have the same enemy and hatred; be bound by a common hatred for enemy; filled with a common hatred; share a bitter hatred of the enemy; (fight) with a common hatred (against ...); with deep hatred for the enemy 同仇敌忾, 共御外侮 share bitter hatred against the enemy and jointly resist foreign aggression
        同仇敌忾,共御外侮:    share bitter hatred against the enemy and jointly resist foreign aggression
        同仇敌忾共御外侮:    share bitter hatred against the enemy and jointly resist foreign aggression
        同酬法:    equal pay act
        同酬:    equal pay; parity income
        同抽烟有关的:    suffer from smokingrelated
        同出一辙:    be of an identical nature
        同冲:    dong xung
        同处科隆的原材料再利用协会:    vfw
        同翅亚目:    homoptera


        同仇的日语:どういつのかたき 同 一 の敵
        同仇的韩语:[명사] 공동의 적.
        同仇的俄语:pinyin:tóngchóu гореть ненавистью и гневом к общему врагу; быть единодушно охваченными решимостью покончить с врагом (обычно: агрессором)
        同仇什么意思:  1.  谓共同赴敌;对敌人表示共同的愤慨。    ▶ 《诗‧秦风‧无衣》: “修我戈矛, 与子同仇。”    ▶ 《资治通鉴‧汉献帝建安二十四年》: “初, 鲁肃 尝劝 孙权 以 曹操 尚存, 宜且抚辑 关羽 , 与之同仇, 不可失也。”    ▶ 清 陈梦雷 《李葆甫传》: “吾义不与贼俱生, 孰能...


  1. "同翅亚目"英文
  2. "同冲"英文
  3. "同抽烟有关的"英文
  4. "同酬"英文
  5. "同酬法"英文
  6. "同仇敌忾"英文
  7. "同仇敌忾,共御外侮"英文
  8. "同仇敌忾共御外侮"英文
  9. "同出一辙"英文
  10. "同处科隆的原材料再利用协会"英文


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