Dialects of the same language have diverged from each other so widely that their relationship is no longer apparent 同一种语言的方言彼此差异如此之大,以致其间的关系不那么明显了。
The preference is so entrenched that by age five youngsters prefer playmates who not only speak the same language but do so with the same accent 这种偏爱难以更正, 5岁的小孩更喜欢不说同一种语言的玩伴除了有着同样口音的。
The setup program will replace the existing product documentation with an updated version of reporting services books online in the same language 在同一种语言的版本中,安装程序将用更新的reporting services联机丛书版本替换现有的产品文档。
The preference is so entrenched that by age five youngsters prefer playmates who not only speak the same language but do so with the same accent 这些偏爱是根生地固的,五岁的儿童会不仅会喜欢说同一种语言的玩伴,也会喜欢那些有同种口音的玩伴。
Using sax and dom usually does improve portability between implementations in the same language , but this has to be traded off against the fact that the programmer often loses productivity by forfeiting some language strengths 在同一种语言的多个实现之间,使用sax和dom通常确实提高了可移植性,但这必须在事实中进行权衡,因为不采用某些语言的优势经常会降低程序员的效率。