吊车: crane; hoist; hoisting machi ...竖: vertical; upright; perpendic ...向: direction荷载: load标准: standard; criterion; benchma ...值: price; value吊车水平荷载标准值: characteristic value of horizontal crane load; characteristic value of masonry strength风荷载标准值: characteristi cvalue o fwindload; characteristic value of concrete compressive strength雪荷载标准值: characteristic value of snowload; characteristic value of strength of steel屋面活荷载标准值: characteristi cvalue o fwindload楼面、屋面活荷载标准值: characteriseic value of live load on floor or roof竖向荷载: vertical load单桩竖向荷载试验: static load test of pile均布活标载标准值: characteristic value of uniformly distributed live load; characteristic value of variable action公路荷载标准: highway load standard公路车辆荷载标准: standard highway vehicle load城市桥梁设计荷载标准: cjj77-98侧向荷载: lateral load垂向荷载: vertical loading反向荷载: reversed load横向荷载: horizontal loading; lateral load; transversal load; transverse load径向荷载: radial load切向荷载: tangential loading受侧向荷载: laterally-loaded斜向荷载: angular loading; inclined load