- dislocation of mandibular joint
- dislocation of mandiburlar joint
- 吊: hang; suspend
- 下巴: the lower jaw
- 下巴: 1.(下颌) the lower jaw 使下巴脱落 dislocate one's jaw; 尖瘦的下巴 a lantern jaw; 下巴大的人 man with a strong jaw; 强健的方下巴是刚毅性格的标志。 a strong square jaw is a sign of firm character.2.(颏) chin
- 吊下费: lfc lift off charge
- 吊上吊下: left on/ left off; lift on-lift charge; lift onlift off system; lift-on lift-off (lo-lo); lo/lo lift on/lift off