Auspicious signs are not a supersition , but a confirmation 吉兆的出现不是迷信,而是肯定。
Auspicious signs are not a superstition , but a confirmation 吉兆的出现不是迷信,而是肯定。
Inspired by this good omen , the greek navy daringly engaged and defeated the persian fleet at the battle of salamis 在此吉兆的鼓舞下,希腊海军军心大振,在撒拉米斯战役中一举击败波斯舰队。
Red paper - cuttings can be seen on window glass and brightly colored new year paintings with auspicious meanings may be put on the wall 红色的纸-切断能在窗户玻璃上被调查和明亮地彩色的新年和吉兆的意义画可能被穿上墙壁。