合理: conforming to reason的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...解释: explain; expound; interpret; ...合乎情理的解释: rational explanation似有道理的解释: plausible explanation求得公平合理的解决: to seek a fair and reasonable solution合理的: advisable; appropriate; feasible; gerecht adj; justifiable; justified; logical; possible; rational; reasonableadj; streamlined保单的解释: construction of policy不同的解释: reinterpretation法规的解释: interpretation of statute法律的解释: construction of law合法的解释: a legit excuse合同的解释: interpretation of contact简单的解释: simple explanation乐曲的解释: interpretati梦的解释: interpretation of dream明确的解释: unambiguous interpretation模式的解释: interpretation of scheme权限的解释: construction of references上的解释为: langman神话的解释: mythicism坦率的解释: a straightforward explanation条件的解释: construction of the conditions条约的解释: treaty interpretation通俗的解释: popular versions