

发音:   用"合理时限"造句
  • reasonable time


  1. 1 the seller may fix an additional period of time of reasonable length for performance by the buyer of his obligations
  2. 1 the buyer may fix an additional period of time of reasonable length for performance by the seller of his obligations
  3. There is appropriate means to respond to external and internal audits or reviews of functions with structures and processes such that change is possible within reasonable time scales


        合理:    conforming to reason
        时限:    time limit
        处理时限:    process limited
        合理时间:    at a reasonable hour; reasonable time
        合理时间内:    within reasonable time
        提示票据的合理时间:    reasonable time
        时限:    time limit 每位发言者的; 时限为 5 分钟. each speaker was limited to five minutes
        合理:    rational; reasonable; equitable 合理的价格 a reasonable price; 合理的上涨 justified raise; 合理计奖 issue bonuses rationally; 合理解决两国之间的争端 equitable settlement of the issues between the two countries; 合理拉开收入差距 widen the differences in personal income to a reasonable degree; 合理利用资源 make rational use of resources; put resources to rational use; 合理使用人才 put the talents of all trained personnel to rational use; 合情合理 reasonable and just; 他说的话很合理。 what he says is very reasonable. 这事不合理。 this affair is unreasonable.; 合理捕捞 rational fishing; 合理处罚 reasonable punishment; 合理放牧 conservative grazing; 合理分工 rational division of labor; 合理负担 equitable distribution of burden; reasonable distribution of burden; 合理轮作 efficient rotation; proper rotation of crops; 合理密植 rational close planting; 合理赔款 just compensation; 合理施肥 rational application of fertilizer; 合理值 reasonable value; 合理作价, 公平交易 fair pricing and square dealing
        定时限:    [电工] constant time-lag; definite time-lag; fixed time-lag; independent time-lag
        反时限:    inverse time lag; inverse time limit
        逆时限:    inverse-time-limit
        时限保:    time limit protection
        时限第:    timing
        时限法:    time limit method; time limit procedure
        时限计:    quantum clock
        时限钟:    shot clock
        总时限:    all hours; overall timing
        处理时间:    cure time; handling time; ht handle time; proce ing time; process time; processing time
        古地理时期:    paleogeographic stage; palstage
        管理时间:    administrative time; management time
        清理时间:    clean-up time; clearance time
        生理时间:    physiological time
        生理时钟:    biological clock
        物理时间:    physical time
        心理时间:    psychological time; ychological time


  1. "合理生活制度"英文
  2. "合理施肥"英文
  3. "合理施药"英文
  4. "合理时间"英文
  5. "合理时间内"英文
  6. "合理识别方法"英文
  7. "合理使用"英文
  8. "合理使用精神作用药物国际讨论会"英文
  9. "合理使用能源奖励制度"英文
  10. "合理使用人才"英文


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