- meat prepared in this way
- 合法: legal; lawful; legitimate; r ...
- 肉食: meat
- 肉食: (以肉类为食物) carnivorous 肉食动物 carnivorous animal; carnivore; 肉食兽 beast of prey; 肉食者 predator; 肉食植物 carnivorous plant
- 合法: legal; lawful; legitimate; rightful 不合法 illegal; 唯一合法政府 the sole legal government; 合法不动产 legal estate; 合法财产 lawful property; 合法程序 legal program; 合法持票人 lawful bearer; 合法当局 constituted authorities; legitimate authorities; 合法地位 legal status; 合法斗争 legal struggle; 合法分居 legal separation; 合法父系继承人 lawful successor in the male line; 合法化 legalize; legitimize; 合法继承权 legitimate right of inheritance; 合法继承人 rightful heir; 合法经营 lawful (business) operation; 合法扣留 legal detention; legal identity; 合法买卖 licit traffic; 合法贸易 fair trade; 合法票据 eligible bill; 合法权利 legitimate right; lawful right; 合法权益 lawful rights and interests; legitimate rights and interests; 合法商品 lawful merchandise; 合法身份 legal identity; 合法收入 lawful earned income; lawfully-earned income; 合法手段 lawful means; 合法途径 legal means; 合法行为 lawful act; 合法证据 lawful evidence; 合法自卫 lawful self-defense; legitimate self-defense
- 肉食;荤食: meat diet