

  • clamp toggle
  • :    ge,a unit of dry measure for ...
  • :    mould; pattern; matrix
  • 肘节:    toggle; toggle joint; wrist
  • 冲模肘节锁定装置:    toggle locking die fixture
  • 肘节:    [机械工程] toggle; toggle joint; wrist 制动肘节 brake toggle; 肘节杆 angle lever; elbow jointed lever; toggle lever; toggle joint lever; 肘节开关 toggle switch


        :    ge,a unit of dry measure for ...
        :    mould; pattern; matrix
        肘节:    toggle; toggle joint; wrist
        冲模肘节锁定装置:    toggle locking die fixture
        肘节:    [机械工程] toggle; toggle joint; wrist 制动肘节 brake toggle; 肘节杆 angle lever; elbow jointed lever; toggle lever; toggle joint lever; 肘节开关 toggle switch
        合模:    clamping; close mold; compound die; compounddie; die assembly; matched die; matched molds; matched moulds; registration; shutoff; spotting
        双肘节:    double-toggle
        阳肘节:    male elbow
        肘节柄:    toggle grip
        肘节阀:    toggle valve
        肘节杆:    angle lever; elbow jointed lever; toggle joint lever; toggle lever; toggle link
        肘节钩:    toggle hook
        肘节夹:    toggle clamp
        肘节角:    toggleangle
        肘节链:    toggle chain
        肘节栓:    toggle bolt
        肘节销:    wrist pin; wrist-pin
        肘节闸:    toggle-joint brake
        瓣合模;组合模:    split ring mold
        瓣合模:    split-ring mold
        闭合模:    closed die
        对合模:    matched mold; matched mould
        复合模:    composite mold; compound dies; compounddie; duplex die; gang dies; multiple die; shearing die
        合模,装配:    assembly
        合模侧:    clamp end; clamping side


  1. "合模压缸"英文
  2. "合模压力"英文
  3. "合模压力(压铸模)"英文
  4. "合模用定位销钉"英文
  5. "合模油缸"英文
  6. "合模柱塞"英文
  7. "合模柱塞速度"英文
  8. "合模柱塞行程"英文
  9. "合模装置"英文
  10. "合模准确"英文


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