

发音:   用"合成钢"造句


        合成:    compose; compound; synthetis ...
        :    sharpen; strop; whet
        覆疬不锈钢板的合成钢板:    permaclad
        混成钢:    composite steel
        李成钢:    cheng-gang li; li chenggang
        百炼成钢:    be toughened and hardened into steel; be steeled [tempered] in repeated struggles; be tempered into steel 年轻人只有通过实际锻炼才能百炼成钢。 only by taking part in practice can the young people be toughened and hardened into steel
        恨铁不成钢:    be exasperated at sb.'s failure to make good; regret that one's offspring does not live up to one's expectations
        久炼成钢:    (iron) in a long process of refinement by fire becomes steel -- so is a man purified and strengthened by training.; it takes plenty of tempering to produce fine steel.; practice makes perfect
        弄成钢铁般:    steel
        大成钢板公司:    dae sung metal printing co. ltd
        合成:    (由部分组成整体) compose; compound; [化学] synthetise; synthetize; [数学] composition; combination marrying; [核化] synthesis; combining; synthesis resultant 力的合成 [物理学] composition of forces; 由两部分合成 be composed of two parts; 合成宝石 synthetic gem; 合成材料 synthetic material; 合成词 [语言学] compound word; 合成技术 synthetic technique; 合成浆 synthetic pulp; 合成结晶牛胰岛素synthetic crystalline bovine insulin; 合成景 composite shot; process shot; 合成镜头 process shot; 合成军队 combined arms unit; 合成酶 [生物化学] synzyme; synase; synthetase; 合成器 synthesizer; 合成塔 [化学] synthetic tower; 合成推进剂 composite propellant; 合成洗涤剂 sapide; saponide; syndet; synthetic detergent; 合成照片 photomontage
        用转炉炼生铁成钢:    convert pig iron into steel by bessemer process
        东成钢铁股份有限公司:    tong cheng steel mfg. co., ltd
        总合成;全合成:    total synthesis
        造成钢铁工业中一些企业倒闭的罢工:    strikes causing shutdowns in the steel industryy
        dna合成:    dna synthesis
        rrna合成:    rrna synthesis
        williamson合成:    williamson ether synthesis
        氨合成:    ammonia synthesis
        半合成:    partial synthesis; semisynthesis
        被合成:    be divided into
        电合成:    electrosynthesis
        共合成:    co-synthesis
        光合成:    eb synthesis; photosynthesis
        核合成:    nuclear synthesis; nucleosynthesis; nucleotidase



  1. "合成概率"英文
  2. "合成钙基润滑脂"英文
  3. "合成干涉仪雷达"英文
  4. "合成甘油"英文
  5. "合成刚玉"英文
  6. "合成高分子"英文
  7. "合成高分子化合物"英文
  8. "合成高分子絮凝剂"英文
  9. "合成高聚物的物理性质"英文
  10. "合成高聚物化学"英文


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