Screening and decolorization of synthetic dyes of a white rot fungi zj 6的筛选及对合成染料的脱色研究
The biodegradation of metal complex dyes by white rot fungi 染料脱色真菌的选育及其对合成染料的脱色作用
Mainly used for 502 synthetic adehesive , vitamin b6 , medicine and synthetic dyestuffs 主要用于502合成胶粘剂维生素b6医药合成染料等
Mainly used for 502 synthetic adehesive , vitamin b6 , medicine and synthetic dyestuffs 主要用于502合成胶粘剂、维生素b6 、医药、合成染料等
For the reason of an ecological and health point , natural dyes are superior to synthetic dyes and extremely welcome possibility in order to spare fossil resources 摘要本实验主要是针对当前合成染料对环境和生态的破坏而以环保的观点,以中药材红花、黄连萃取出天然染料色素对织物进行染色来研究其可行性。