合作: cooperate; collaborate; work ...交流: exchange; interflow; interch ...意向书: letter of intent合作意向书: letter of intent校际合作交流: cooperation and exchange programs between schools意向书: comfort letter; intention letter; letter of intent; letter of understanding/intent, mou (memorandum of understanding); li letter of interest (intent); memorandum of intention美中国际合作交流促进会: us-china exchange association购货意向书: bcl购楼意向书: offer letter to buy结婚意向书: letter of intent to marry上诉意向书: notice of intention to appeal投标意向书: ifb intention for bid; intention for bid (ifb)投资意向书: letter of interest; term sheet第三单元 意向书: unit three letter of intent缔约目的, 意向书: intention to contract发录用意向书: release offer广泛交流意见: touch all bases合作交往: cooperate and communicate; cooperation and communication提交投标意向书程序: expression of interest to bid procedure请你们务必在8月1日前提出意向书: you are kindly requested to submit交流合作: liaison建立初步合作意向: indentifying an initial project贾流意: carr意向: intention; purpose 意向不明。 one's intention is not clear.; 意向合同 contract of intention; 意向书 letter of intent; 意向协定 intention agreement对外交流与合作: international exchange and cooperation