

  • canons of judicial ethics


        司法:    administration of justice; j ...
        道德准则:    code of ethics
        道德准则:    code of ethics; ethics ruling; moral code
        道德法, 道德准则:    law of morality
        职业道德准则:    canon of professional ethics; code of ethics and professional conduct; code of professional ethics
        道德准则, 道德规范:    code of ethics
        基本的道德准则:    the eternal verities fundamental moral principles laws of god
        理疗专家道德准则:    ethical principles for physical therapists
        市场营销道德准则:    marketing ethics
        医疗道德准则草案:    code of medical ethics draft
        ifacs道德准则为职业会计师:    ifacs code of ethics for professional accountants
        (伦理):指导个人行为的道德准则。:    ethics
        高级财务管理人员协会职业道德准则:    fei code of ethics
        卡内基国际事务中的道德准则理事会:    carnegie council on ethics in international affairs
        法道:    hodo; norimichi
        道德行为准则:    code of ethics
        管辖权准则, 司法权准则:    jurisdictional princple
        法道寺:    hodoji
        道德:    (人们共同生活及其行为的准则和规范) morals; morality; ethics 道德败坏 degenerate; moral degradation; 公共道德 public morals; 旧道德观念 old moral concepts; 商业道德 commercial morality; business ethics; 体育道德 sportsmanship; 东方的伦理道德 eastern morals; 违背道德 transgress morality; 他做生意不讲道德。 in his business affairs he has no morals.; 道德法庭 moral court; 道德风尚 morality; ethics and habit [prevailing custom]; 道德概念 moral concept; 道德规范 code of ethics; moral norm; moral criterion; moral standard; 道德教育 moral education; education in ethics; 道德品质 moral character; moral trait; moral qualities; 道德情操 moral sentiment; 道德危机 moral crisis; 道德问题 question of morality; 道德行为 moral behavior; 道德意识 moral consciousness; 道德准则 code of ethics
        加拿大法道:    télévision de radio-canada
        司法:    administration of justice; judicature; judicial; judiciary◇司法部门 judicial departments; judiciary; 司法部长 attorney general; 司法裁决 judicial decision; 司法程序 judicial process; judicial procedure; 司法处理权 judicial discretion; 司法档案 judicial file; 司法独立 judicial independence; judicial separation; independence of the judiciary [judicature]; 司法否决权 judicial veto; 司法官 judge; 司法管辖 jurisdiction of courts; 司法惯例 juridical practice; 司法会议 judicial conference; 司法机关 judicial office; judicial authority; judicial organ; 司法鉴定 expert testimony [evidence]; 司法界 judicial circle; 司法警察 judicial police [policeman]; 司法判决 decree; 司法判例 judicial precedent; 司法权 judicial powers; 司法行为 judicial act; 司法行政(管理) judicial administration; 司法行政官 magistrate; 司法职能 judicial functions; 司法仲裁 judicial arbitration
        关于司法人员的独立的准则:    guidelines on the independence of judiciary
        准则:    norm; standard; criterion; rule; formula; square 党内政治生活的准则 the guiding principles for inner-party political life; 外交准则 diplomatic norms; 行为准则 code of conduct; 国际法的起码准则 elementary requirements of international law; 国际关系基本准则 basic norms of international relations; basic norms guiding international relations; 热力学准则 thermodynamic criterion
        费鲁德准数:    froude number
        道德的;教训;道德:    moral


  1. "司法大厦"英文
  2. "司法代理, 管辖机构"英文
  3. "司法当局"英文
  4. "司法档案"英文
  5. "司法导师方案"英文
  6. "司法的"英文
  7. "司法的源泉"英文
  8. "司法调查"英文
  9. "司法调查委员会"英文
  10. "司法独立"英文


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