司: take charge of; attend to; m ...乃: be; be really; be indeed耳: ear定律: law比耳定律: law of beer; lawofbeer玻意耳定律: boyle law; boyle mariotte's law; boyle's law玻义耳定律: boyle law波尔-比耳定律: bouguer-beer law波以耳定律: boyle's law波义耳定律: boyle laws; boyle"s law; boyle's law菲涅耳定律: fresnel law即焦耳定律: james prescott joule焦耳定律: joule law; joules law; joule's laws喇乌耳定律: raoult's law朗伯 比耳定律: lambert beer law斯涅耳定律: snell law; snell's law; snell′s law得墨忒耳定律: the law of demeter【物理学】波义耳定律。: boyle's law波尔一比耳定律: bouguer-geer's law波义耳定律孔隙仪: boyle's law porosimeter一电热的焦耳定律: joule's law of electric heating耳定: boil of external auditory meatus耳痈,耳定: boil of the external auditory meatus斯乃耳折射律: law of refraction snell's law; lawofrefraction,snell'slaw定律: (通过大量事实归纳而成的结论, 是客观规律的表达形式之一) law 能量守衡定律 law of the conservation of energy; 万有引力定律 the law of universal gravitation; 物质不灭定律 law of conservation [indestructibility] of matter; 物质能量守衡定律 matter-energy equivalence