司: take charge of; attend to; m ...局: chessboard game; set; inning ...部门,司,局: department局,司,处: bureau局,司,署,处: bureau局,科,处,司,所: bureau局,司,处;社,所;办公桌,衣柜: bureau司: Ⅰ动词(主持; 操作; 经营) take charge of; attend to; manage 各司其事。 each attends to his own duties.Ⅱ名词1.(部一级机关里的一个部门) department (under a ministry) 外交部礼宾司 the protocol department of the ministry of foreign affairs2.(姓氏) a surname 司臣 si chen局: Ⅰ名词1.(棋盘) chessboard2.(下棋或其他比赛一次叫一局) game; set; innings 第一局 (乒乓球等) the first game [set]; (板球、棒球、垒球) the first innings; 下一局棋 play a game of chess; 比赛最后打成平局。the game ended in a draw.3.(形势; 情况; 处境) situation; state of affairs 全局 the overall situation; the situation as a whole; 时局 the current situation4.(人的器量) largeness or smallness of mind; extent of one's tolerance of others 局量不能容物 not tolerant of others; 有局度 be large-minded; be tolerant5.(旧时称某些聚会) gathering 赌局 gambling house [party]; 饭局 a dinner party; a banquet6.(圈套) ruse; trap 骗局 fraud; trap; swindle7.(部分) part; portion8.(机关组织系统中按业务划分的单位) office; bureau 电话局 telephone exchange; 教育局 bureau of education; 粮食局 grain bureau; 人事局 (the) bureau of personnel; 卫生局 public health bureau; 邮局 post office9.(某些商店的名称) shop 书局 publishing houseⅡ动词(拘束; 拘泥) limit; confine谷口 司: sekoguchi tukasa司-依宁: marcus ehning局,处: bureau局,回合: inning局,署: service份 局 局 段 部分: portion【电信】中继站[局]。: relay station电 子 邮 局: electronic post office调度站(局): dispatching station丁卡因(外,局): tetracaine局,办事处: bureau局,署,处: bureau局、处、所、科: bureau局、局比分: game局,分社,办事处: bureau局,回合;圆的: round