

  • natural hover telemark
  • :    the right side; the right
  • 盘旋:    circle around; spiral; circl ...
  • 转折:    a turn in the course of even ...
  • :    pace; step
  • 盘旋转折步:    hover telemark


        :    the right side; the right
        盘旋:    circle around; spiral; circl ...
        转折:    a turn in the course of even ...
        :    pace; step
        盘旋转折步:    hover telemark
        转折步:    telemark
        开式转折步:    open telemark
        右转折步:    natural telemark
        右盘旋返转步:    natur hover telemark
        转盘旋转速度:    rotating speed
        旋转倾转盘旋转环:    swash plate rotating disc
        单盘旋转式水磨机:    single-disk rotary hydrostone-flat grinder
        罗盘旋转刻度盘:    compass swinging rose
        转折:    1.(事物在发展过程中改变方向) a turn in the course of events 急骤转折 abrupt turn; 历史的转折 a turning point in history; 戏剧性的转折 a dramatic turn2.(文意的转折) transition (of an essay); 转折词 adversative; 转折点 kickpoint; turning point; breaking point; hinge
        盘旋:    1.(环绕着飞或走) circle around; spiral; circle; wheel; hover 盘旋地移动 move in spiral; 盘旋式的打圈子政策 the policy of circling around; 烟盘旋上升。the smoke spiralled up. 这条山路在山腰盘旋而上。the path twists up on the mountainside. 车队沿山路盘旋而上。the motorcade spiralled up the mountain. 海鸥正在船上面盘旋。 the seagulls were wheeling in the air above the ship.2.(徘徊; 逗留) linger; stay; tarry 音乐会结束后很长时间, 有些人还在大厅里盘旋。 some people were lingering round the hall long after the concert had ended
        曲折步:    zig zag
        我盘旋盘旋盘旋盘旋盘旋:    i 'm turning turning turning turning turning around; i'm turning turning turning turning turning around
        dna转折,:    dna bending
        等转折:    but however yet while
        转折板:    deflector
        转折词:    though
        转折带:    turning zone
        转折点:    anchors; breaking point; breakover point; breakthrough; corner point; culminating point; hinge; inflecting point; inflection point; kink; pivotal point; point of inflection; reversal point; the turning point; transition location; turn over point; turning-point; turnover point; war front turning point; weight break point; weightbreakpoint
        转折角:    turning angle
        转折面:    inflection surface


  1. "右派纲领"英文
  2. "右派观点"英文
  3. "右派人士"英文
  4. "右派言论"英文
  5. "右盘旋返转步"英文
  6. "右培美酸"英文
  7. "右陪集"英文
  8. "右偏"英文
  9. "右偏光"英文
  10. "右偏航"英文


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