右侧: offside卧: lie位: place; location右侧卧位,右侧斜卧位: right arm recumbent右侧卧位,右臂平卧: right arm reclining侧卧位: lateral decubitus position; lateral position; lateral recumbent position; lateral recumbent postition; side-lying position侧卧位的: lateral recumbent偏侧卧位: unilateral position强迫侧卧位: compulsion lateral position左侧卧位: left lateral decubitus position; left lateral position; left recumbent position; left-lateral position侧卧位,侧卧,侧卧和平投照位: lateral decubitus侧卧: lie on the side卧位: berth; clinostatasm; clinostatism; decubitus position; decumbent position; lying down position; lying position; recumbent position右侧: offside 右侧通行 keep to the right; 在主门的右侧 at the right of the main entrance; 在入口处的右侧 on the right of the entrance侧卧撑: side leaning rest侧卧的: latericumbent侧卧式: lateral recumbent posture; recumbent position背卧位, 仰卧位: dorsal position; supine position腹卧位, 伏卧位: ventral decubitus半卧位: recumbency; semi-recumbent position背卧位: dorsal position; supine position伏卧位: prone position俯卧位: [医学] prone position横卧位: laying posture卧位,褥疮: decubitus