可: approve除: get rid of; eliminate; remov ...量: measure capacity可除: that can be divided usu with no remainder扣除量: tare切除量: zerspantes volumen volume of metal removed删除量: amount to decolor可除的: divisible可除环: division ring可除集: negligible set可除尽: contain; divisibility可除模: divisible module; negligible module可除性: divisibility金属切除量: metal removal扣除量,扣除: deduction n. amount taken away铆钉孔扣除量: rivet allowance; rivet deduction交错可除环: alternative division ring局部可除集: locally negligible set可除代数: divisionsalgebra division algebra可除掉的: delectable可除关系: divisibility relation可除加法群: divisible additive group可除尽的: divisible可除尽性: divisibility可除去的: removable