可: approve错: wrong; mistaken; erroneous论: The Analects of Confucius纠错论坛: chinglish相也不错论: principle of relativity不可错过: can t miss彻底的可错性: radical fallibility生命中不可错过的智慧: all i really need to know i learned in kindergarten和乡村歌曲的乐迷可千万不可错过噢: presley可搭接减振器: berbrückbarer vordmpfer first -stage by-pass damper可磋商性: negotiability可搭配性: collocability可磋商: negotiable可达: ael; mu10可寸村: kasumura可达包络线: reach envelope可存取性: acce ibility; accessibility; reachability可达边界: accessible boundary可存取地址空间: accessible address space