Proven track record of at least 3 years of sales success 可证明的3年以上成功销售记录。
Proven track record of at least 2 years of sales success 可证明的两年以上成功销售记录。
There are known limitations to what is provable and probably to what is computable or knowable 关于什么是可证明的,什么是可计算的,或什么是可知的,有一些已知的限制。
“ the tendency of our own day is . . . towards firm , solid , verifiable knowledge ” ( william h . mallock ) “我们今天的趋势是…朝向一种坚定、坚实且可证明的知识” (威廉? h ?马洛克) 。
The most recent common ancestors between humans and all the other great apes date back to about 15 million years ago , suggesting this common preference has been part of our brain structures since at least then 可证明的人类和猿类拥有共同祖先的最近时间是1500万年前,也就是说至少从那个时候起,人类和猿类就拥有同样的记忆方法。