The morphology , chemical compositions , crystal structures and some properties of these obtained nanowires were systemically characterized . < wp = 6 > because of their novel properties and unique structures , one - dimensional nanostructrue semiconductor materials have generated a tremendous amount of interests in fundamental and potential promising applications in electronic and photoelectronic devices . we fabricated cdse , te and cdte nanowires by direct current ( dc ) electrodeposition in porous anodic aluminum oxide ( aao ) templates 本论文采用电化学模板合成法制备出了几种新型的纳米线,并对它们的形貌、组成、晶体结构及其他一些性质进行了表征;发展了一种用紫外可见光分光光度法分析电沉积在导电玻璃上的ni - fe合金镀层的方法;用模板脉冲电沉积法制备了fe20ni80 / ag多层纳米线,并对它的形貌进行了初步表征。