可: approve被: quilt投掷: throw; hurl; cast; shy的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...石头: tone; rock; petr-; petri-; p ...投掷的: jaculatory被投掷性: geworfenheit投掷的人: caster; pelter; pitcher沉重的石头: heavy stone粗燥的石头: dense stone疯狂的石头: avc; crazy stone; fengkuang de shitou厚重的石头: shopping list dense stone坚固的石头: solid stone磨光的石头: stone polished举手过肩而投掷的: overhand容易投掷的东西: dingbat向上的;向上投掷的: upcast他山的石头记: borrowed stone无生命的石头: lifeless stones哭泣的石头(石头的叫喊)106分钟: aka scream of stone滚动的石头不长苔: a rolling stone gathers no moss铁渣,矿渣,烧过的石头: scoria像紫罗兰色的石头: like a violet stone哲学家的石头,点金石: the philosopher’s stone被炸起的石头崩伤了: be hit by bursting stones shoot