One - half in accordance with prospective husband ' s will or revocable trust , or the laws of intestacy then in effect in hawaii if prospective husband dies intestate ; and one - half in accordance with prospective wife ' s will or revocable trust , or the laws of intestacy then in effect in hawaii if prospective wife dies intestate 如果准丈夫死亡时未留下遗嘱,则其一半财产根据准丈夫的遗嘱或可撤销的信托,或夏威夷市当前生效的无遗嘱的死亡法进行分配;如果准妻子死亡时未留下遗嘱,则其一半财产根据准妻子的遗嘱或可撤销的信托,或夏威夷市当前生效的无遗嘱的死亡法进行分配。
[ br ] one - half in accordance with prospective husband ' s will or revocable trust , or the laws of intestacy then in effect in hawaii if prospective husband dies intestate ; and one - half in accordance with prospective wife ' s will or revocable trust , or the laws of intestacy then in effect in hawaii if prospective wife dies intestate 如果准丈夫死亡时未留下遗嘱,则其一半财产根据准丈夫的遗嘱或可撤销的信托,或夏威夷市当前生效的无遗嘱的死亡法进行分配;如果准妻子死亡时未留下遗嘱,则其一半财产根据准妻子的遗嘱或可撤销的信托,或夏威夷市当前生效的无遗嘱的死亡法进行分配。
可: approve撤销: cancel; rescind; revoke; ann ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...信托: trust; entrust; confide; fid ...不可撤销的信托: irrevocable trust不可撤销的信用状: irrevocable credit可撤销的信用证: revocable credit (revocable l/c)可撤销的信用状: revocable credit; revocable letter of credit保兑的不可撤销的信用证: confermed irrevocable letter of credit保兑的不可撤销的信用状: confirmed irrevocable credit保兑且不可撤销的信用证: confirmed and irrevocable credit不可撤销的人寿保险信托: irrevocable life insurance trust不可撤销的: irrepealable; irrevocable adjective可撤销的: cancelable; voidable可撤销信托: revocable trust可撤销的报价: revocable offer可撤销的优惠: voidable preference不保兑的不可撤销的信用证: unconfirmed irrevocable credit银行开出了不可撤销的信用证: the bank has made out an irrevocable letter of credit不可撤销信托: irrevocable trust不可撤销的判决: irrevocable judgment不可撤销的授权书: irrevocable power of attorney可撤销的法律行为: revocable juristic act可撤销的民事行为: voidable civil act不能撤销的信用状: irrevocable letter of credit