Immerse the milk bottle and all spare parts of the breast pump together with the tongs in a clean pot of water 将奶瓶和奶泵可拆除的配件及奶钳放入一锅清水内。
2 access to fixture valves in the fume hood wall shall be through exterior removable access panels , gasketed access panels on the inside liner walls , or through removable front posts 安装通风柜内阀门管道可以通过3种方式:外层可拆除的侧挡板、内部密封的视窗挡板、和可拆除的前面板。
Matching the womans dress . choosing the corselet with 1 2 cup , the shoulder harness can be removed . in addition , it is suitable for matching the trousers with high waist or hit waist 3配衬连衣裙可选择1 2杯肩带可拆除的胸围,加上高腰或中腰束裤最为适合,裙子必须加上底裙才可带出线条,动态和立体美。