

发音:   用"可扩展标识语言"造句
  • eml extensible markup language
  • extensible markulanguage xml
  • xml extensible markulanguage


  1. Extensible markup language
  2. Xml stands for " extensible markup language " . it ' s a metalanguage , which can describe other languages
    Xml全称是“可扩展标识语言” ( extensiblemarkuplanguage ) ,它是一种元语言,是用来描述其它语言的语言。
  3. Xml ' s full name is extensible markup language . it is a meta - language , which describes other languages . metadata is about data ' s data
    Xml全称是“可扩展标识语言“ ( extensiblemarkuplanguage ) ,它是一种元语言,是用来描述其它语言的语言。
  4. This approach provides a function to modify ui for the final user with a customizing modular inserted between the application system and interface display layer , by which the data of ui design is separated from application logical modular . when the system is started every time , it could display the interface according to the information from the customizing modular without being compiled and linked again
    本论文提出一个基于可扩展标识语言( extensiblemarkuplanguage , xml )的可定制用户界面管理机制,利用xml描述用户界面并进行持久存储,在应用系统和界面显示层之间加入界面定制模块,使系统每次启动时都按定制模块提供的信息来显示界面无需重新编译和连接,很好地实现用户界面与应用语义的分离,为最终用户提供了灵活的界面维护修改功能。
  5. This paper analyses the deficiency of data model of the current ecdis in network environment , and provides its resolvent . the paper integrates the characteristics of xml ( extensible markup language ) such as multi - platform , expandability , legibility and ability of organizing all kinds of information , and references the geography space model of the criterion of gml2 . 0 that is established by ogc ( open gis consortium ) , and establishes the model of chart data with xml . this data model is suitable for storing and transmission of data in the network
    文中结合xml ( extensiblemarkuplanguage ,可扩展标识语言)具有的跨平台性、可扩展性、易读性以及可以描述任何复杂结构的特点,引用由ogc ( opengisconsortium , opengis协会)组织制定的gml2 . 0规范中的地理空间模型作为海图物标的地理空间模型,运用xml建立了海图数据模型,该数据模型适应网络环境下的数据存储以及传输。



  1. "可扩增系统"英文
  2. "可扩增语言"英文
  3. "可扩展"英文
  4. "可扩展标记语言"英文
  5. "可扩展标签语言"英文
  6. "可扩展标示语言"英文
  7. "可扩展标志语言"英文
  8. "可扩展波导"英文
  9. "可扩展超文本标记语言"英文
  10. "可扩展超文本标识语言"英文


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