Standard test method for minimum resolvable temperature difference for thermal imaging systems 热成像系统用可分辨的最小温度差的试验方法
Rapd ( random amplified polymorphic dna ) technique was used to study the genetic structure and genetic differentiation of the natural population and the hatchery stock of chlamys farreri . amplifications with 20 10 - base primers under predetermined optimal reaction yielded 153 reproducible amplified fragments ranging from 200 to 3000bp . the mean proportions of polymorphic amplified fragments of natural population and the hatchery stock were 73 . 2 % and 70 . 6 % respectively , and the mean hetreozygosities of them were 0 . 27 and 0 . 26 respectively 在对20个野生栉孔扇贝和20个养殖栉孔扇贝的基因组dna的检测中, 20个随机引物共扩增出153条清晰可分辨的dna片段,片段大小在200 3000bp之间,其中野生种群和养殖群体多态性片段分别为112和108条,多态位点比例分别为73 . 2 %和70 . 6 % ,杂合度分别为0 . 27和0 . 26 。