可: approve停靠: calling; stop; berth; 6艘万吨货轮 ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...这是一个任何吨位的船舶都可停靠的安全港口: it is a safe port for vessels of any size可停靠工具栏: dockable toolbar沿途停靠的港口: port of call可停: dockable toolbar停靠: calling; stop; berth: 6艘万吨货轮可以同时在这个码头停靠。 six 10,000-ton freighters can berth at this dock. 下一个停靠站离这里很远。 the next stop is much further on.◇停靠港 port of call; 停靠站 stop station可停驻: dockable可停旋翼: stoppable rotor船停靠: call in at停靠, 拜访: call at停靠表: parking meter停靠地: p.o.c. port of call停靠港: calling port; poc; port of call; port of entry; portofcall; ports of call停靠期: alongside time停靠位: tab停靠站: bus stop; sto ing point; stop station; stopping point; stops可停驻工具列: dockable toolbar紧靠的: appressed; close set; congested; immediate可靠的: allright; authentic; authoritativ; certain; confident; confiding; credible; dependa ble; dependable; fail safe; faithful; fast; faultfree; firm; good; positive; reassuring; rel reliable; reliant; respinsible; responsible; secure; surefire; tried; veracious无靠的: helpless依靠的: dependent; incumbent蛋白质停靠: protein docking定期停靠: regular calling