可: approve亵渎: blaspheme; blasphemy; profan ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...不可亵渎的: inviolable亵渎的: profanatory; profane不可亵渎: inviolability未亵渎的: inviolacy; inviolate亵渎的词语: bad word亵渎的话: blasphemy亵渎: blaspheme; blasphemy; profane; pollute; slighting; be disrespectful 亵渎神明 blaspheme (against) the gods 冒渎的: sacrilegious污渎的: unhallowed未亵渎: inviolacy亵渎,污辱: desecration亵渎术: desecrate亵渎者: blasphemer; desecrater; desecrator过量亵渎: excessive profanity深度亵渎: major desecration亵渎大法: vitiation亵渎符印: blasphemous rune亵渎陵墓: violate a tomb shrine etc亵渎上帝: inveigh against god destiny the elements the system亵渎神灵: blasphemy; profanation亵渎神明: blasphemy; sacrilege; sacrilegium亵渎神明的: blasphemous