只有: only; alone这: this句: sentence我脑海里只有这句话: said it's all in my mind只有这么好: just that good只有这样才: so and so only只有这件事丢不开: that's the one thing that keeps worrying me只有这样我们才能: only in this way can we只有这一个意思: the protection of public health by removing and treating waste dirty work etc可是只有这一年让我老去: though i'm older but a year留给我们的只有这首歌: what's left of us in this song只有这次你才能攀上巅峰: so you can be on tofor once; so you can be on top for once只有这么多我能得到: there's only so much i can take只有这样,我们才能坚强: that's what's gonna make us strong只有这样才能放飞心灵: and there's only one way to be free只有这样我才能清醒: it's the only way i see clear只有这样我们才能获胜: the chinese invented gunpowder只有这一件你必须知道: there's only one thing you should know只有这一种完满的感觉: only this sense of completion为什么在我生命里仅仅只有这段时光: why in my life is that the only time只有: only; alone 只有农业发展了, 工业才有足够的原料和市场。 only when agriculture is fully developed can industry have sufficient materials and markets这句话: i don't have any backpacking equipment; right place right time这句句子里: follow your nose这句是修饰: simply local cheese回答这句时说: so am