- only if
- 只有: only; alone
- 当: proper; right
- 才: ability; talent; gift; endow ...
- 才: Ⅰ名词1.(才能) ability; talent; gift; endowment 德才兼备 have both ability and political integrity; 多才多艺 be gifted in many ways2.(有才能的人) capable person 奇才 unusual [remarkable] talent; 人才 a person of talent; talent3.(姓氏) a surname 才宽 cai kuanⅡ副词1.(表示事情在前不久发生; 刚才) 节目才开始。 the performance has just started. 怎么, 才来就要走 ? why leave so soon? you've only just arrived.2.(表示事情发生或结束得晚) 你怎么才来? why are you so late? 他昨天才离开大连。 he left dalian only yesterday.3.(表示只有在某种条件下,或由于某种原因、目的、然后怎么样, 前面常有“只有、必须、因为、由于” 等配合; 方才) 非要等起重机来了才能装运吗 ? must we wait till the crane arrives before we start loading? 只有肯努力, 才能得到好的学习成绩。 only you study hard can you get good results.4.(对比起来表示数量小, 次数少, 能力差等等; 仅仅) 解放前全国钢年产量最高才 90多万吨。 before liberation, china's highest annual output of steel was only just over 900,000 tons. 当时他才五岁。 he was only five years old then.5.(表示强调所说的事, 句尾常用“呢”字) 麦子长得才好呢 ! the wheat is coming along fine. 他要是不知道才怪呢 ! it would be strange if he didn't know. 屋子里不热, 外面才热呢! it is not hot in the house, but it's really hot outside
- 只有当间隙远小于传统: tig