Mad fanny and his other sister mrs dickinson driving about with scarlet harness . bolt upright like surgeon m ardle . still david sheehy beat him for south meath 疯子范妮149 ,另外一个妹妹就是迪金森太太150 ,给马套上猩红色挽具,赶着车子到处跑。
Their parties abroad were less varied than before ; and at home she had a mother and sister whose constant repinings at the dulness of every thing around them threw a real gloom over their domestic circle ; and , though kitty might in time regain her natural degree of sense , since the disturbers of her brain were removed , her other sister , from whose disposition greater evil might be apprehended , was likely to be hardened in all her folly and assurance by a situation of such double danger as a watering place and a camp . upon the whole , therefore , she found what has been sometimes found before , that an event to which she had looked forward with impatient desire , did not , in taking place , bring all the satisfaction she had promised herself 外面的宴会不象以前那样多那样有趣了,在家里又是成天只听到母亲和妹妹口口声声埋怨生活沉闷,使家里笼罩上了一层阴影至于吉蒂虽说那些闹得她心猿意马的人已经走了,她不久就会恢复常态可是还有那另外一个妹妹,秉性本就不好,加上现在又处身在那兵营和浴场的双重危险的环境里,自然会更加大胆放荡,闯出更大的祸事来,因此从大体上说来,她发觉到其实以前有一度她早就发觉到她眼巴巴望着到来的一件事,等到真正到来了,总不象她预期的那么满意。