Jurong golden monkey machinery - electric co . , ltd 句容市金猴机电有限公司
Issues and countermeasures for land reclamation in jurong city 句容市土地复垦开发存在问题与对策
Living within environment landscape architecture design of the northern part of jurong hotel 以句容宾馆北侧景观建筑设计为例
The academic symposium of taoist ge hong and chinese taoist culture was held in jurong city jiangsu province 葛洪与中国道教文化学术研讨会在句容隆重召开
You can locate the company in jurong city , jiangsu province . nanjing city is situated in the west , and zhenjiang city in the east 公司位于江苏省句容市,地理位置优越,交通便捷,西连南京,东接镇江。
句: sentence容: hold; contain江苏句容: jurong句身: pada-kaya句片: fragment句式: phrasing; satzarten; this is a waste of money, energy and materials, and also causes pollution句女人最憎的说话: copied from newsgroup句式复合词, 短语复合词: syntactic compound句内语码转换: intra-sentential code-switching句式课: patterns句末标上问号: put a question mark at the end of the sentence句式语法: construction grammar句末: as well