句子重音: sentence stress和: mix; blend省略: leave out; omit音: sound功能语调和省略音: chapter 8: functional intonation and reduced sounds关于重音和句子节奏你需要知道的: getting ready for chapter 7: what you need to know about stress and sentence rhythm重音和吞音: chapter 4:stess patterns and deleted sounds句子重连: scrambled sentence(单词)重音,(句子)重读: stress对比重音和变音: chapter 6: contrastive stress and altered sounds信息重音和变音: chapter 7: informational stress and altered sounds和省: khanh hoa province略音: ask bob to sit behind me省略句子结构2: elliptical sentence structure音和: betacism ||重音: 1.[语言学] stress; accent 次重音 secondary accent; 句子重音 sentence stress; 单词重音 word stress; 主重音 primary accent; 无重音的音节 syllables without stress; 重音在第二个音节上。 the stress falls on the second syllable.2.[音乐] accent; 重音符号 stress mark; accent; 重音节 stressed syllable省略: 1.(除去) leave out; omit 第二段可以省略。 the second paragraph can be omitted.2.[语言学] ellipsis; abbreviation; 省略符号 ellipsis; 省略规则 default rule; 省略号 ellipsis; suspension points; ellipsis dots; 省略句 [语言学] elliptical sentence; 省略三段论法 enthymeme; 省略推理法 enthymeme; 省略值 omitted value; default value保和省: bohol prov. of; bohol, prov. of建和省: kien hoa tinh; tinh kien hoa庆和省: khanh hoa province句子: sentence 给句子润色 polish a sentence; 改写一个句子 recast a sentence; 清晰、 连贯的句子 a clear and coherent sentence; 把一个长句分成几个较短的句子 split a long sentence into shorter ones; 把两个句子并成一句 throw the two sentences into one; 句子成份 sentence element; member of a sentence 忽略音频: ignore audio种子重: grain weight兀子重: wu zizhong音和尚: yuanyin heshang