If you are parsing a sentence into individual words , you might end up with words that have blank spaces also called white spaces on either end of the word 如果将一个句子分析成单个的单词,则最后的结果可能是单词的一端或另一端带有空格(也称为空白) 。
Through the effects of web multimedia and the approach of sentence analysis and construction , this site is designed to help the students be able to integrate sentence fragments , which they learned before , into a complete sentence , or even a well - developed paragraph 透过多媒体网路传输效果以及句子分析建构之学习方式,本网站的设计主要是为了帮助同学们能够将已学习过的字词,灵活应用而写出一个完整的句子,甚至是一个段落。
Thirdly , after sentence analysing and making clear of the gramma relationship and the comprehending of understanding of the original , what you should do is to face such problems that resolve appropriately each composing part of the long sentence and express them properly and exactly according to chinese usage 在进行句子分析、弄清语法关系、理解原文含义之后, 3 :就是怎样适当处理长句的各个组成部分,按汉语习惯妥善地确切地加以表达的问题。