I , too , in the grey , small , antique structure , with its low roof , its latticed casements , its mouldering walls , its avenue of aged firs - all grown aslant under the stress of mountain winds ; its garden , dark with yew and holly - and where no flowers but of the hardiest species would bloom - found a charm both potent and permanent 她们喜欢这个与世隔绝的家,我也在灰色古老小巧的建筑中找到了巨大而永久的魅力。这里有低矮的屋顶带格子的窗户消蚀的小径和古杉夹道的大路强劲的山风使这些古杉都已倾斜。还有长着紫杉和冬青而呈黑色的花园一这里除了顽强的花种,什么花都不开放。